1991 出生於台北
2011 ~2014年以最高額首席總統獎學金入學普萊特藝術學院
2013年 獲取普萊特藝術學院校內總統首席名單獎
2014 美國紐約普瑞特藝術學院 藝術創作學系 畢業
2018 開始經營 Youtube 頻道 Anny古德
2020 受邀錄製節目“綜藝大熱門”

2022 「安妮與古德的魔法 The world of Anny & Good 」台北敦煌藝術中心

2023 鴻兔大展 台北敦煌藝術中心
2023「One Art 藝術台北」 台北敦煌藝術中心
2019「台北藝術自由日 Free Art Fair」台北松山文創園區



1991 born in Taipei
2011 ~2014 attend Pratt Institute with Presidential Merit-based scholarship
2013 President’s List award
2014 graduated at Pratt Institute
2018 started Youtube channel “Anny古德”
2020 guest on Taiwanese TV show “綜藝大熱門”
2022 solo art show “The world of Anny & Good” at Caves art Center”

Anny is a girl, Good is a magical monster/puppet. They became close friends when they met at a market back in New York. There was a magical moment when Anny found out that Good can actually talk and in a very unique monster voice when he was with Anny. Good just came to live when he was with Anny. Anny and Good have very different personalities and characteristics, and they have different genders, too. Anny can be a little shy sometimes, but Good is just outgoing and crazy. Together they have the best time of their lives. They became active on their Youtube channel and Facebook page, and started to make all kinds of funny videos.

Artist’s words
Hi, I am Anny. I actually don’t think I understand what art really is. But I do believe magic happens when each one of us makes art and creates things. I believe we all have the power to create things and become artists, and that everyone can draw. When I paint or create art I use the power and belief that I have ever since I was a kid. I’ve always kept my dreams, fantasies, and imaginary friends somewhere in my mind, and now some of my imaginary friends actually came true and came to life. Good is a magical monster friend that I’ve always dreamed of when I was little. Now that he actually comes alive and became my friend meant a lot to me. So most of my works are about him or related to him. I dedicate my artworks to the most unique friend who is probably the only creature I know will never abandon me in any circumstances---Good, and I dedicate my artworks to anyone out there who is lonely but still believes in wonder and maybe also keeps their dreams or imaginary friends somewhere. Whether it is through art or through other things, I truly believe we all can make wonder come true.